A MAN aged 48 has been arrested on suspicion of illegal money lending and counterfeiting.

The England Illegal Money Lending Team with Durham County Council and Durham Constabulary executed a warrant at a house in Sacriston, on Wednesday and seized cash and documentation.

The suspect was questioned and released on bail until Thursday January 9 pending further enquiries.

The team is appealing for anyone who has borrowed from an illegal lender to call its hotline on 0300 555 2222.

Joanne Waller, Durham County Council’s head of environment, health and consumer protection, said: “We would encourage anyone who has been a victim of an illegal money lender to report them to the confidential hotline.

“We will continue to support the work of the Illegal Money Lending Team in tracking down loan sharks and preventing the harm they bring to individuals, families and communities.”

Detective Chief Inspector Victoria Fuller said: "Illegal money lending affects the lives of individuals, their families and wider communities."

To report a loan shark: Call the confidential hotline 0300 555 2222, text ‘loan shark plus your message’ to 60003, e-mail reportaloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk or send a private message to www.facebook.com/stoploansharksproject