A COMPANY which provides private tuition in English and maths says it is opening a new centre to meet increased demand from parents.

The Durham Centre for Education, which runs MagiKats English and maths tuition workshops for school children in North Durham, is opening a new centre in Durham City.

The company, which already operates groups in Meadowfield, Lanchester and Chester-le-Street, said the opening was in response to increased requests from parents.

The new group will be held on Saturday mornings at the Gala Theatre in Durham.

Each MagiKats group provides English and maths tuition workshops for school-aged children, helping children to boost their skills, confidence and crucially exam results.

Children attend a weekly workshop and work with a fully-trained mentor with each child receiving a tailored learning programme.

The workshops complement the school curriculum and children benefit greatly from the close attention and tuition they receive, helping children to achieve their full potential.

There will be an open morning for the new group on Saturday October 12, between 10am and 12 noon, at the Gala Theatre. Parents and children are welcome.

For more information calling 0191 378 2762 or visit www.dced.co.uk