Staff at Leisureworks, the sports and arts trust in Derwentside, have raised £1018.44 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The money was raised by taking part in Macmillan’s World’s Largest Coffee Morning on Friday, in which staff members and user groups, including children at The Louisa Nursery, baked and sold cakes and served tea and coffee to customers at The Louisa Centre in Stanley.

Guests at Leisureworks’ annual Sports & Physical Activity Awards at the Empire Theatre, Consett on Friday September 20 also donated towards a charity raffle, in which proceeds were donated towards the cause.

MP SURGERY: Pat Glass, MP for North-West Durham is holding a surgery at her office in Gledstone House on Newmarket Street, Consett, on Friday, October 18 from 10am-12pm.

Constituents are asked to book their appointment by calling 01207 501782.

GET FIT: A new circuit training class for people aged over 50 if being held every Tuesday from 6pm-7pm at Burnhope Primary School. Taking part costs £2 per session.