A private music teacher harassed a former girlfriend after she ended their relationship, a court was told.

Brian Wilderoder, 53, sent text and mobile phone messages, letters and even turned up at the woman’s home and workplace over a ten day period, Northallerton magistrates heard.

Samantha Law, prosecuting, said: "The complainant said she has been left absolutely terrified of this man and scared to go out, she feels a prisoner in her own home and has even considered moving house to get away from him.”

She added the relationship began in February this year but the woman grew concerned as Wilderoder became "obsessive and controlling".

He began contacting her at work and she eventually told him in May she wanted to end their relationship.

Ms Law said that the harrassment started, although none of the messages were threatening or of a violent nature.

Wilderoder, of Oak Tree Road, Bedale, admitted a charge of stalking the woman at a previous hearing.

Steven Andrews, mitigating, said:”It was never his intention to scare her, there were never any threats of violence.

All he wanted to do was find out why things had gone so horribly wrong so quickly."

He told the court his client apologised for the upset and distress he had caused and that one he was arrested he had not contacted the woman again.

Magistrates imposed a one year community order together with a two year restraining order - banning him from contacting the woman. He was also ordered to pay £85 costs with a £60 victim surcharge .