A TEN-YEAR-OLD girl brought glory to her family at one of the area’s biggest agricultural shows this week – more than 30 years since her aunt did the same.

Melody Fife, of Guisborough, was overall winner of all the children’s categories at Stokesley Show last weekend, with 12 first places.

And no one was prouder than her aunt Gillian Forbes, who won the prize three years running in the late 1970s.

Melody’s father, John Fife, 47, said his daughter won 12 first places in various handicraft and artistic endeavours, as well as nine second, two thirds and two highlycommended placings.

Mr Fife, who could not resist pointing out he beat his big sister Gillian in the scones category in her 1970s triumphs, which is a long-standing family joke, said: “It was actually Gillian who saw she’d won. We were looking at other things and she (Gillian) came over and she kind of whispered, ‘You need to get into the tent now.’ “When we walked into the tent and saw the results, Melody was just chuffed to bits and Gillian was absolutely bouncing. It was a fantastic moment for us. It was a lot of hard work from Melody. ”

Mrs Forbes, of Yarm, also took the opportunity to mention the 30-year scone baking rivalry with her brother. She said: “My late mother, Win, would have been particularly thrilled, having supported me as chief washer-up and messclearer.

Melody’s parents, John and Lois, have taken on that job, as has my husband Mark. I would like to point out that I have beaten my brother in the scones category yet again this year and I am delighted for the Fife family name.”

Melody’s 12-year-old brother, Wesley, won in the watercolour painting category.