A FLAG promoting the Lindisfarne Gospels’ return to the North-East is to be flown 3,500 miles away across the Atlantic.

Following a visit to Durham University for a summer school, academics and students from Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina, were given a Lindisfarne Gospels Durham street banner to display back on their own campus.

Professor Chris Higgins, vice-chancellor of Durham University, said: “The handing over of the Lindisfarne Gospels Durham banner to our namesake in the US is a symbol of the global significance of the Lindisfarne Gospels, one of the great landmarks of human cultural achievement.”

Duke University’s Sam Miglarese, a director of the summer school – titled Duke Engage Program, said his visit to Durham had been unforgettable and he would present the banner to Duke’s president and dean of chapel.

The Lindisfarne Gospels are in Durham University’s Palace Green Library until September 30. For more information, visit lindisfarnegospels.com