A SOCIAL landlord in north Durham has secured £1.76m funding for a housing scheme for older people.

Cestria Community Housing has been awarded the cash from The Homes and Communities Agency for a major project for people over 55 in Chester-le-Street.

The Elms will consist of 57 new homes comprising six two bedroom self-contained bungalows and 51 apartments available for rent and sale. It will also include a range of communal residential and support spaces within the main block and facilities that can be used by residents and the wider community including as a beauty treatment room, IT suite, café, laundry, community allotment and exhibition space.

Paul Fiddaman, chief executive of Cestria Community Housing, said: “We are delighted to receive funding towards this supported housing scheme which marks a major milestone in the future provision of accommodation for older people.

“The concept behind the development really is revolutionary and will completely change not only the general perception of older people’s housing, but also the lifestyle and wellbeing of this demographic in the future.

“We recognise that locally there is a severe shortage of high-quality housing for the over 55s, and The Elms will go some way to meeting that strategic housing need.

“This development is about much more than just providing a roof over people’s heads, with the health and wellbeing of residents playing a major part in the design and future service delivery model of the Elms.”

The Elms will replace two of Cestria’s obsolete sheltered courts, Lawson Court and Riddell Court, with demolition work expected to start commence this autumn.