Hundreds of people involved in rival marches are being kept 100 yards apart in Newcastle city centre this afternoon by a strong police presence.

Both the demonstration by the far-right English Defence League and the counter protest by the anti-fascist Newcastle Unites have ended with the two groups a hundred yards apart.

Beer bottles and cans were thrown at police earlier during the protest from the ranks of EDL supporters who flew flags from all over the country, including Bournemouth and Bristol.

The EDL supporters are gathered in the Bigg Market while Newcastle Unite demonstraters are a short distance away at the bottom of Newgate Street.

They are seperated by lines of riot police and several streets in the city centre have been effectively sealed off.

EDL supporters cheered loudly along to songs played over a PA system.

A man who appeared to be wearing British Army desert fatigues was given a rousing reception when he showed EDL supporters a flag of St George printed with the words RIP Lee Rigby.

Leader Tommy Robinson said the EDL intended to march on Downing Street.

Earlier, three people were arrested by police - two fropm Gateshead and one from Stockton - for sending racist Tweets before the demonstration.