A RIDING centre for disabled people is appealing for more volunteers to ensure all riders can enjoy the equine experience.

The Riding Centre for Special People in Escomb relies on volunteers to help disabled visitors enjoy horse riding.

Christine Barratt-Atkin, who runs the centre with her husband Nicky, said each rider can need up to three volunteers to assist depending on their ability.

She said they are in urgent need of new volunteers as people who have previously worked there have now found full time employment, due in no small part to their time and efforts at the centre.

She said: “It is a bit bitter sweet, we are delighted to have helped people find work but it does leave us needing to find more volunteers.”

Lesley Wearmouth from Barnard Castle volunteers at the centre every Thursday as a thank you to those who helped her 14-year-old son Kyle learn how to ride there.

She said: “It is very rewarding knowing that you are helping people and it is a lot of fun.”

The centre is making the appeal in preparation for National Volunteers Week which starts on Monday, June 1.

Mrs Barratt-Atkin said: “Without volunteers we simply could not run.

“We provide full training and hope to give our volunteers a rewarding experience while getting to work closer with horses and other people.”

Volunteers are especially needed on Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays.

For more information contact the centre on 01388-604637 or email cbarrattatkin@hotmail.com.

The centre will be open to the public from 10am to noon and 1pm to 3pm everyday between Tuesday, June 11, and Sunday, June 16, to allow visitors to see what goes on there.