A GRANDFATHER has died almost three weeks after he was found badly injured in the street in what his family believe was a hit-and-run incident.

David Crompton, 55, was airlifted to hospital after he was discovered lying in John Street North in Meadowfield, near Durham City, at 4.15pm on Sunday, May 5.

The 55-year-old, of nearby Brandon, died in the University Hospital of North Durham on Wednesday (May 22).

His sister Melanie Robinson, who rushed to the scene as paramedics attended him, said: “We are all devastated.

“We want answers to what happened and appeal to anyone who may have information to come forward.

“One suggestion was that his injuries were the result of a fall, but that is hard to accept.

“His injuries were all down one side of his body and were consistent with a road traffic accident.

“He had a ruptured temporal artery, fractured humerous, flail chest - when a segment of the rib cage breaks under extreme pressured and becomes detached – a fractured pelvis and a lumbar spine injury.

“We would like a thorough investigation into what happened.”

Mrs Robinson said her brother was apparently crossing the road to reach a bus stop, but witness accounts of what happened next are conflicting.

Despite at one stage discounting it as a hit-and-run, police have confirmed they are still regarding it as a line of inquiry.

Mr Crompton was airlifted to The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough and was later transferred to the University of North Durham.

He had no recollection of what had happend.

His mother Beryl Crompton, 78, said: ”He was much loved by everyone. He was very popular. A one-off.

“We are all heartbroken. It is hard to accept that he has gone.”

Mr Crompton is also survived by sisters Julie Dixon, Karen Bryden and brother Paul Crompton, as well as daughter Lynsey Watson and two grandchildren.

Sergeant Neil Fuller, of the Durham Constabulary Road Policing Unit, said: “We are currently investigating how a male victim has come by his injuries.

“And one of those lines of inquiry is that he may have been struck by a vehicle that did not stop.

“We are still trying to trace witnesses to the incident and would appeal to anyone with information to call the police.”

Anyone with information should contact 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800-555-111.