A MOTHER has had her head shaved to show solidarity with her five-year-old daughter who is undergoing chemotherapy for a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Michelle Simpson, of Leeming, North Yorkshire, said while she was nervous at the prospect of having her long hair shorn, she was also excited at being able to share the experience with daughter Fraja, who has neuroblastoma with MYCN amplification.

Fraja was devastated to lose her hair last month after receiving chemotherapy and told her parents she felt she did not look pretty any more.

Mrs Simpson was joined by RAF Leeming residents Libby Lee, Gemma Broadbent, Sarah Cunningham and Stacey Cann and five hairdressers at the head-shave event on the base yesterday.

About 80 people watched as they had their hair cut off, raising more than £3,000 for the Fraja Ellie Appeal, which aims to raise £500,000 by July as the Leeming RAF Community Primary School pupil may need to travel to the US in summer for further treatments unavailable on the NHS.

The Northern Echo:
Fraja's mum Michelle Simpson

Mrs Simpson said: “I’m looking forward to holding Fraja’s hand and walking down the street with her, while she has been looking forward to washing my head with a flannel, as I have been doing to her.”

The NHS pharmacy technician and her RAF engineer husband, Garry, originally from Consett, County Durham, have been buoyed by donations of more than £10,000 and messages of support from across the region since launching the appeal last month.

She said celebrating Fraja’s fifth birthday with 18 friends at Kidzplay, in Northallerton, last week had been traumatic as her daughter had not been well enough to join in the games.

Mrs Simpson said: “She tried to climb the steps to a slide, but got out of breath and spent 20 minutes recovering.

“When they brought the birthday cake Fraja said ‘please don’t sing happy birthday’, as she didn’t want the clapping and noise, so she just blew out the candle.

“Hopefully, when she starts to recover we will have another party and make it extremely special.”

After the party, Fraja’s condition rapidly deteriorated and she was taken to Leeds General Infirmary, where her parents have stayed with her in shifts.

In the coming days, doctors are set to decide when to perform surgery to replace a drug provision tube.

To donate, visit justgiving.com/Fraja-Ellie-Appeal, frajaellieappeal@yahoo.co.uk on Paypal or send cheques to Fraja Ellie Appeal, Yorkshire Bank sort Code 050631, account number 35520051.

The appeal has also launched a range of wristbands and t-shirts, which are available at ebay.co.uk/sch/frajaellieappeal