I READ in The Northern Echo that the council tax is going to be going up by 4.99 per cent – it seems to me that we are paying more every year for less and less.

I know the reason for all these cuts are the fault of the Government so I am told, but financially if Darlington councillors were running a business they would have all been sacked and the company put into liquidation.

I don’t know how they sit in their offices awarding themselves big salary increases – I would like to see statements where they have taken a reduction in salary – and perhaps they would feel the pain everybody else is feeling.

I think the council has a downright cheek to ask people to volunteer for litter picking – at what stage do the councillors get off their butts and lead the way carrying a black bag?

Perhaps I’ve missed them?

I’d love to know.

While it was very nice to see Cllr Nick Wallis in the market square with a clean wheelie bin, I would much prefer to see him down some alley picking up litter. It is amazing how good it makes you feel getting your hands dirty and seeing a difference.

S Brooks, Darlington