TONY BLAIR regards Brexit as a car crash waiting to happen. It wouldn’t be surprising if this was so.

After all, David Cameron’s renegotiation and referendum were a game of chicken. Angela Merkel didn’t blink and neither, I’m pleased to say, did we.

Now, with characteristic deviousness, Mr Blair is trying to set us up so that the EU has only to continue playing hard ball for us to capitulate. He invites them to set punitive terms.

He would do better using his powers of persuasion to extract from them a belated offer of basic justice on movement of people which they denied us before.

If, contrary to our good intentions, the Brexit negotiations go badly it should be made clear that there will not be jobs or benefits for three million EU citizens in Britain and nor will there be any British troops on the ground in any future war with Russia.

John Riseley, Harrogate

TONY BLAIR, bitter that he will never become President of the European Union, warns that the UK should re-visit the recent referendum that led to a significant leave victory.

He claims the British people did not know, or understand, the cost that came with the decision to leave.

If he is correct then why didn’t David Cameron disclose this vital fact when he sent out his £9m propaganda leaflet to all the households of the country?

There is one thing for sure.

If Blair and Cameron are united on one side, such as on the remain issue, then it must be the other side that are right.

Mark Anderson, Middleton St George