WE all sympathise with the people caught up in the atrocity that took place in Paris on Friday which demonstrates the amount of carnage a very small group of determined and committed terrorists can cause.

We must also realise that it is a very difficult task to track and monitor radicalised members who support the aims and objectives of Isis and its affiliates.

Clearly, as demonstrated by the previous atrocity earlier in the year, the acquiring of automatic weapons and explosives on mainland Europe is not a barrier faced by these maniacs.

They are well-funded and determined to kill as many innocent people, which also may include other Muslims, as possible to create fear and exposure on the world stage. It is also clear that some of those involved have recently have recently made their transit through Europe via Greece along with the wave of migrants.

Many have been warning about the dangers of uncontrolled movement and lack of checks on these vast movements of people from the Middle-East.

It is very early in the process but Angela Merkel must take a lion’s share of the blame for her careless comments inviting migrants to Germany and the burden she has caused many of the countries on the major routes.

Had we not opened the flood gates perhaps these perpetrators might have been intercepted by border controls?

Even if a small percentage of these migrants are sleepers from Isis we have a massive threat to our way of life.

Chris Gallacher, Chairman, Ukip Redcar

MY thoughts are with all those affected by the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. It is crucial that politicians and the media do not concede to a narrative that portrays all Muslims as terrorists. Firstly, because it is not true.

Secondly, because we do not adopt the same approach when the perpetrators are white racists and fascists.

Scapegoating all white people for Anders Breivik’s attacks in Norway seems ridiculous, but this is exactly the response when terrorist attacks occur in the name of Islam; somehow, all Muslims are held responsible.

Thirdly, this is the climate in which far right and fascist organisations grow.

France is one of the most concerning countries with the growth in support for Marine Le Pen and the Front National currently topping the polls. She could use these attacks to build further support.

We must also be vigilant about groups like the English Defence League and Britain First who could use these attacks to stir up Islamophobia in Britain.

J Hall, Sunderland

IT MIGHT be London (most probable) or Birmingham (very possible), or perhaps Manchester.

Maybe Leeds or even Newcastle.

Anywhere, any time.

But sooner or later some Islamic individual or group will slaughter as many ordinary innocent British folks as they can.

Jeremy Corbyn would ask our nice unarmed policemen to approach and arrest these maniacs after they’ve finished their business, assuming they don’t pull the pin on a suicide vest.

We can then put them on show trial - where they can gain the oxygen of publicity - and at huge public expense put them behind bars for a very long time.

The events in Paris were entirely predictable. Europe has imported 1,000 years of barbaric terrorism during which all our lives will be in constant danger.

The EU referendum is already won by the out brigade, thanks in large to militant Islam.

DW Lacey, Sunderland