WHY can't the UK accept more refugees? We must all do more to help.

Our Prime Minister is not speaking for the people of this once-great country.

We all want to give these refugees a safe place to live.

Jean Sturgeon, Darlington.

ANY readers who have seen the shocking picture of the poor little drowned refugee child washed ashore in Turkey will surely agree with me that enough is enough.

The intolerable suffering of hundreds of thousands of people caught up in the civil war in Syria, and in nightmarish situations caused by our own milotary interventions in Iraq and Libya, have caused the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War and it is high time that we all remembered our shared humanity and recognised this masses of suffering humanity for what they are - our fellow human beings.

In Germany, they have taken in tens of thousands of refugees from the horrors of Syria, while we have taken in barely a couple of hundred.

Their political leaders and general public have responded with compassion and basic human decency, while our Government has deliberately used inflammatory language and shown a cold callousness. Meanwhile football crowds in Germany are displaying banners stating 'Refugees Welcome Here'.

I would like to believe that we are also a decent, humane people in this country and that we, as a nation, will thoroughly reject the Government's callous attitude towards the suffering of others and ensure that we too do our bit to alleviate what is the greatest humanitarian crisis in Europe in recent history.

P Sagar, Newcastle.

IF it ever comes to a vote of whether or not we should remain in the Common Market, the answer is staring us in the face if you look at the present problems with immigrants and asylum seekers throughout Europe.

The word, community is non-existent when listening to the claims of leaders and prime ministers fighting their corner.

Each and everyone is putting the onus on every other country, bar their own with their ' I'm alright Jack’ attitudes.

If one wants to be truthful to oneself, the countries of Europe never were, and never will be, a community as the overall attitude to all concerned is self first and self last.

If you cast your mind back you will see that, since the European community began, Europe has been nothing else but the world's battlefield.

Let’s come to our senses cut loose from this charade.

T Seale, Middlesbrough.

MOST of the migrants I have seen demonstrating in Europe look like healthy young men.

How about giving them a uniform and letting them retake the country they are fleeing?

If my father and grandfather had fled in 1945 no doubt my name would be Fritz instead of Tommy.

Tom Shepherd , Durham.