WHAT a brilliant reply from John Cumberland (HAS, Sept 1) re shooting cats.

Yes, we would be overrun with rodents but for cats.

Also, cat haters love to blame them for the decline of wild life and birds, when in reality it's the ever-breeding selfish humans who kill most, by taking their habitat for more houses, using pesticides and speeding in cars etc.

Not a day goes by when we don't see 'road kill’ of small wild animals and birds.

Ladybirds and other insects are in decline, cats can't be blamed for that as again it's humans who are causing it.

As for pigeons, what encourages the hungry birds to towns? Yes, humans again, by throwing down unfinished food as they eat outside.

Humans are the only species who kill for their own pleasure, animals follow the way nature means them to be. Life is precious to all beings in whichever form they come and haters of other species need to remember the saying: “There but for the Grace of God, go I.”

Ruth Laycock,
