DAVID CAMERON has made it quite clear that he has no intention of leaving the EU, but prefers to pussy-foot around making feeble attempts to sway the Brussels assembly to amend or adjust certain laws imposed by the EU, all of which have been bluntly refused.

His misguided and expensive tour to the smaller affiliated countries pleading for their support was a complete waste of time, particularly at a crucial period when he was needed at Calais.

Let’s face it, Mr Cameron is a good orator, he looks the part, he can put it over and debate with conviction, but, he is lacking the very substance that makes a great leader - true grit.

He and his cabinet lack decisive action, belong to the too-little-too-late brigade who are always wise after the event. He is too eager to appease interlopers and religious extremists, instead of showing concern for the British subjects who put them in power.

It’s time for a massive shake-up.

JW Bearby, Hartlepool.