I FULLY realise I am covering old ground and understand I won't make a lot of difference but every time I pass Bishop Auckland Hospital my heart bleeds due to the sheer waste of facilities and resources.

The running costs such as heating, maintenance and upkeep remain the same regardless of how busy it is.

With both Durham and Darlington A&E departments bursting at the seams and under alarming pressure surely someone in Government should eat humble pie and reinstate Bishop Auckland as an A&E unit?

It is well documented in the press how short of nurses and young doctors we are, but my experience as a patient suggests that present staff will soon become sick of the constant pressure on them to perform and will consider alternative careers if action is not taken soon.

It allegedly cost £114m to build Bishop Auckland Hospital, so surely it deserves its chance to pay this investment back and not become what is now a glorified nursing home.

Eric Schofield, Crook.