WITHOUT a fairer society we cannot ever change our country for the better. Without a stronger economy we can never hope to protect those on the lowest incomes.

Britain needs the Lib Dems more than ever.

Ukip are a party which wants to privatise the NHS. It is run by an ex-banker who has received millions in expenses in the European Parliament but done nothing to promote opportunity.

They feed off worry and promote division.

The Tories have no direction other than to become even more nasty. They want to sort out the financial problems in the country by taking money away from the poorest.

Labour have about as much clue about how to fix our economy as a cuckoo in a cloud. They think that taxing people out of existence is the way to address our problems. Their leader even forgets about the deficit.

Compare all this with the Lib Dems’ success in government:

State pension up £800, a tax cut of £800 for low and middle income earners, billions of extra funding for education for those from the poorest backgrounds, the largest ever number of university students from poorer backgrounds, two million more jobs, nearly two million new apprenticeships, human rights protected, ID cards scrapped, the doubling of renewable energy production, equal marriage, free childcare, free school meals, child detention scrapped and millions of low paid workers taken out of paying income tax altogether.

All this while dealing with the deficit.

To do it while having to deal with the catastrophic mess left by Labour is incredible. To do it while having to challenge the Tories every day, day in, day out is a miracle.

Cllr Mark Wilkes, Durham