DURHAM County Council is bringing in a tax for green bins, but people have to voluntarily sign up to pay it – well how many folk will do that (Echo, Sept 10)?

What a daft idea. People will just do what they did before green bins were introduced – throw their rubbish everywhere rather than pay for a collection service they didn’t ask for in the first place.

And, like all other fly tipping, the council will have to clean it up. What short-sightedness.

For more than ten years, I have been cutting over 100 square metres of council grass outside my property (but that will stop forthwith), mainly because the council leaves it too long, which creates a mess everywhere, as all in our village would agree.

Just wondering, but do you think the council could see its way to pay me for cutting its grass all these years, and maybe backdating it?

Lawrence A McGowan, Sherburn