IT’S been described as Norway’s answer to classic movie All the President’s Men, a densely layered epic tale of political intrigue and financial misdemeanour.

It’s also the latest example of Scandinavian noir to keep British viewers hooked. It’s not only a hit over here either – it’s going down a storm back home too, attracting record-breaking audience figures.

The latest episode takes place five years on from the suicide of journalist Peter Veras’ brother. He’s spent the intervening period trying to uncover why the tragedy happened, and at last seems to have found a scrap of evidence which suggests his sibling was pushed into the act. Peter joins forces with his sister-inlaw, Eva, and together they confront a top financier who knew his brother’s secret.

He says just one word – Abraham – before also committing suicide. But what can it all mean, and why are the police refusing to help investigate?