Like ripples on a pool while living

Governed by time unforgiving

Looking for joy wheresoever it may be.

In the chill of life uncaring

Journeying at speed those daring

To indulge in idle thoughts of being free.

Early youthful dreams commanding

Pleasure in this life demanding

Soothing sombre thoughts whatever we may see.

‘Til the sun’s bright rays grow colder

Warmed by memories when older

Bewildered we look back long before we flee.

Albert Curle, Ferryhill


Derwentwater Isle looked inviting from the shore

Making us believe we would like to see some more.

We hired a boat and rowed across With muscles all a tingle.

Breathing hard and breaking sweat We ground up on the shingle.

Whilst spending time in sweet repose

A mighty thunderstorm arose.

Lightning forked and thunder roared.

Launch the boat and grab your oars.

Out into the murk and heaving swell

Heading into the jaws of hell,

Pitching and tossing for what seemed an age.

Then Keswick loomed and the landing stage.

Clambered out of the boat And dragged ourselves ashore.

Staggered towards the town Battered, bedraggled and sore.

Leaving behind the menacing lake

Trailing water in our wake.

Robert Hill, Grewelthorpe


Round and round

In ever decreasing circles

Round and round

In ever decreasing circles

Like the ripples on a pond

When a stone is thrown in

Circles widen until they

reach the shore

They return to the centre

Then the pool is still again

Small wheels turn big wheels

The inner wheel is a hub

From which spokes rotate

the outer wheel

Perpetual motion is when they

are in harmony

Like the planets revolving

around the sun

The driving power is love

And love changes everything

Bill Craggs, Darlington