WILLINGTON resident Stephen Renaut-Evans (HAS, Jan 16) seems to be a man who is worried about immigration.

I visit Willington fairly regularly, but I haven’t yet noticed the Nigerian enclave in Sunnybrow, or the Iraqi refugee camp just off the High Street.

Perhaps I need to open my eyes a bit more.

He also worries about the strain on the NHS, but on visits to hospital to see friends and relatives the only immigrants that you see are doctors, nurses and technicians, doing terrible things like saving people’s lives.

He further worries about the significant rise in population and blames this on immigration too.

Yet, the main reason for the rise in population has been a fall in the death rate, i.e. people have been living longer.

This might well be partly attributable to immigrants coming to the UK to look after sick and elderly people in hospitals and surgeries.

But, soon Mr Renaut-Evans worries will all be over. Since the Tories were elected in 2015 the death rate has risen for the first time since the Blitz of 1940-1941.

Cuts in welfare, social care and the NHS are literally killing people off, especially elderly men.

Moreover, if the Tories stop immigration of nurses and doctors the death rate will increase to such an extent that the population will fall significantly.

Perhaps then people like Mr Renaut-Evans will be happy again.

John Gilmore, Bishop Auckland