VINCE Cable has his own view on Brexit, blaming the older generation for bringing about the decision to leave the EU (Echo, Aug 7).

So it’s fine to be told what, when and how we do things by a third party and pay highly for the privilege.

I’m sorry Vince but you are past your sell by date. I’m almost 60 and disagree with you and voted to leave the EU.

I may be wrong, I might be right but I’m only a member of the public and one of the many of all ages who voted.

But you Mr Cable are a MP who at 74 should have retired and been put out to grass to allow younger blood to take up the challenge of moving forward instead of the likes of you, Tony Blair and other has-beens shouting the odds and trying to disrupt and dislodge the Brexit decision.

I used to admire Vince Cable but now he is just becoming a nuisance.

John Cumberland, Rushyford