Fans of Crufts can be top dog at home with some classic canine accessories, says Gabielle Fagan.

AS Crufts, the annual celebration of our four-legged friends, kicks off on March 10, Eve Kelly, editor of homes, reveals the doggy decor trend is leading the way in homes.

“When buying homeware or decorating, it’s important to choose primarily with your heart and leave interior trends as a secondary influence,”

says Kelly. “However, if following the latest fashions is important to you, simple silhouette motifs of our four-legged friends seem to be the order of the day.”

Alternatively, get the latest looks by choosing items such as dog-shaped doorstops in on-trend materials such as stripes or floral patterns.

Remember, a dog is for life – and so too could be your investment in some canine-inspired homeware.