IAN prepares to marry Mandy in EastEnders (BBC1) although their walk down the aisle is as strewn with obstacles as that scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark that ends with Harrison Ford being chased by a big boulder.

Walford’s equivalent to the boulder is Ian’s daughter, Lucy, who’s determined that her dad won’t marry the woman immortalised in song by Barry Manilow.

Lucy’s even more upset when Ian informs her that he and Mandy are leaving Walford after the ceremony, although he doesn’t tell her he wants to get out of town fast because Ben has confessed to him that he killed Big Hevv.

This is a problem, too, for Fill the Fugg because he fears Ian will spill the beans about Ben to the cops. He has a word with him down a dark alley and it’s not a very nice word.

Meanwhile, Lucy decides the way to stop the wedding is to cancel all the plans that Mandy has made, including the register office booking. Oh, and she throws the wedding ring down the drain.

But even Mandy’s mother dying on the eve of the ceremony doesn’t stop Ian, pictured, planning to go ahead.

Lucy tries one last thing and tells her dead it’s either Mandy or her. He must choose.

Ian’s choice of women has always been suspect – remember how one of his wives, Cindy, hired a hit man to bump him off?

No one would ever call Megan in Emmerdale (ITV1) maternal. She gave away her son when he was a baby and isn’t pleased when the nowteenage Robbie turns up on her doorstep, especially as brother Declan is the one who’s arranged the little surprise.

She flips when Declan offers Robbie a place to stay because of his money troubles. Megan reacts violently, giving Declan a great big slap round the chops.

More violence in Coronation Street (ITV1) with Demonic David Platt at the centre of things. I blame Eva. She suspects that Nick has been enjoying himself with Kylie (David’s wife, not the Aussie songstress) after she finds a hotel receipt implicating the pair in secret nookie.

She chooses a very important occasion at the Bistro to expose the (alleged) affair in front of the local mayor and David. He’s not happy at the thought of his wife and his brother between the sheets and starts thumping Nick.

He’s dragged off him, but that’s not the end of the incident. He picks up a fire extinguisher and puts it to work on the windscreen of Nick’s BMW.

In another corner of Weatherfield, tug-of-love boy Simon is at the centre of rivalry for custody between Carla and Leanne. Dad Peter’s girlfriend, Carla, offers Peter’s rejected wife, Leanne, a cash sum to leave the street. Will she take the cash or open the box, sorry continue to bid for Simon?

Peter is too busy trying to control his drinking to notice.

He’s booked himself into extra Alcoholics Anonymous sessions because he’s having trouble coping with his rebellious son and the forthcoming court case. He’s in need of a stiff drink to calm his nerves.