MANY moons ago I was given a present which I’m sure was for Christmas of an artist called Roger Miller, the album was called Roger and Out, and naturally in those days, it was a vinyl LP.

At that time I was not aware that Roger Miller was a country artist, but just had the feeling that I would love it, even from the look of it’s Pythonesque cover.

It was a couple of years later that he charmed Britain with King of the Road, Little Green Apples, England Swings and Engine, Engine Number 9.

I have just purchased a three CD set entitled King Of The Road – The Genius of Roger Miller and it is a treasure to behold.

Containing 70 tracks, it takes in his career from the 1957 My Pillow through to 1986 and River In The Rain from his Broadway musical Big River.

Among the highlights are eight tracks which were previously unreleased and also includes rare demos and live recordings.

Add to that a 38-page booklet with 28 rare pictures, a biographical essay, discography and quips.

(LA Cop: “Can I see your licence?”, Miller: “Can I shoot your gun?) and you realise you get a real insight into one of the most colourful characters in country music.