IRISH threesome Two Door Cinema Club are an electro pop indie rock band who have been making waves in the music industry for a while now.

Incorporating a live drummer – replacing a drum machine – gives the band a harder edge and drives the songs further.

Blasting onto the stage they open with Cigarettes In The Theatre from their debut album Tourist History. From this track onwards the audience never stopped moving and a sea of hands and heads bobbed up and down.

New single Undercover Martyn is played two songs in.

You wonder if it’s a mistake to play it so early, but it sets the pace for the rest of the set and the rowdy crowd starts jumping as soon as the first beat is played.

They fly through a set featuring most of the songs of Tourist History while fitting in a new track.

The threesome have unlimited reckless energy and their set is crammed full of sparkling and succinct slices of energetic indie pop.

Something Good Can Work, What You Know and This Is The Life are played with such skill and passion they gleam like gems.

Lead vocalist Alex Trimble is an excellent frontman, leaning into the crowd, dancing around the stage. The crowd are mesmerized and he knows exactly how to get them moving.

Done and dusted in smart time, they round off with crowd favourite I Can Talk. They definitely leave us wanting more.

Sophie Stratford