THERE is no rest for the weekend and even on holiday in the sunshine state of California, Yorkshire detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks is affected by dark and dangerous clouds from home.

And this time it is very personal. His colleague, Detective Inspector Annie Cabot, is shot down by a local, young, rogue gunman, and Banks’ teenage daughter, Tracy, who has so far been helping the runaway thug, becomes his next victim when he brutally assaults and rapes her.

It’s so personal that Banks shouldn’t really be involved, but nothing can force him to step aside.

A brutal, savage and raw crime thriller, alive with power and emotion, that takes you one step beyond the edge.

■ On August 11, at 12.30pm, the author will be talking about his book at Darlington Library. More information: 01325-462034. On August 12, at 1pm, he will be signing copies at Waterstones Northallerton