IN the aftermath of Black Monday, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) loses his job and is forced to sell penny stocks at a flyby- night operation in Long Island.

Blessed with the gift of the gab, Jordan excels and decides to open his own firm with salesman Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill).

The Wolf Of Wall Street is a lurid portrait of debauchery following the same misaligned moral compass as Oliver Stone’s Oscar-winning 1987 drama Wall Street.

t’s hard to believe that 71-year-old Martin Scorsese is the ringmaster of this booze, sex, coke and testosterone-fuelled circus. The director pulls no punches in his depiction of Belfort’s wild excesses including myriad scenes of pill-popping and a slow-motion orgy on a private jet – the film wears its 18 certificate as a badge of honour.