A ONCE-in-a-lifetime opportunity is being offered to budding Shakespearean actors at Frosterley Village Hall, Weardale, on Sunday, when a fun session launches a performance of The Tempest, being produced alongside The Royal Shakespeare Company.

This drama in the dale grew out of a Jack Drum Arts’ adult community learning project and will culminate in an outdoor performances in Harehope Quarry, Frosterley, in September – and later at the RSC’s home in Stratfordupon- Avon.

To get involved and register an interest, go along to the hall between 11am and 4pm, when existing community performance group members are available for a chat. There is a chance to have a go at acting with tutor Paddy Burton and those looking to audition for a role can contact director Liz Gill on lizgilluk@hotmail.co.uk The initiative welcomes all ages and abilities, both on stage and behind the scenes.

  • The silver screen beckons for a community filmmaking project, Robin Hood, which begins tomorrow at St Cuthbert’s Centre, Church Hill, Crook, from 10am to 3pm with a reading of the script and casting. For more information contact paddy@jackdrum.co.uk or turn up on the day.
  • If you prefer being creative away from the stage, then a Crafty Families session takes place at the Dales Centre, Stanhope, on Saturdays (10am-noon) starting tomorrow. Sessions will be run by artist Tina Fuller, who will be teaching wet felting, paper crafts, marbling, paper clay and similar techniques. There is also a chance to win £100 by entering a competition to create an artwork for The Tempest. For details, call Liz Gill on 07811-221151 􀁧 For more details about any Jack Drum work, call 01388- 765002.