SCRIPTED by director Alfonso Cuaron and his son Jonas, Gravity is a lean, nerve-shredding thriller about one woman battling against the odds in the one place that no one can hear her whimper and scream. Sandra Bullock delivers a compelling lead performance that might be her finest work to date, struggling to keep her emotions in check as she prepares to take her final breaths. The film employs the latest ground-breaking technology to realise Cuaron’s startling vision and the effortlessness with which the Mexican director orchestrates it is jawdropping.

It’s a giddy whirl of bravura camerawork and spectacular visual effects, accentuated by Steven Price’s propulsive orchestral score, that pushes the boundaries of 3D, available exclusively on Blu-ray. Thankfully, on a large screen television, the film loses little of its impact: you still get the sensation of floating with the astronauts as they face life-or-death choices.