ENTREPRENEURS across the North-East are to benefit from the launch of a scheme designed to promote cooperatives as an alternative to traditional business models.

Claims that the financial crisis has eroded public confidence in companies is said by advocates of the co-operative model to have renewed interest in the approach, which has also been boosted by growing interest in ethically-led, sustainable trading.

The arrival of the Cooperative Enterprise Hub, announced at an event in the Assembly Rooms, Newcastle, is part of a £5m investment in the sector by The Cooperative Group to provide a dedicated business support service that includes free business advice, consultancy and training.

Angela Davies, The Co-operative Group’s development manager, said: “Communities are setting up, running and growing memberowned enterprises – embracing the spirit of co-operation and having a say in the running of businesses and services important to their lives.”

For more details, visit co-operative.coop/enterprise hub or email enterprise@co-operative.coop