DIGITAL media agency Orange Bus has taken on a designer to develop user experience for its clients.

The Newcastle company has appointed interaction design specialist Kyle Mayne to the fast-growing team.

Previously a developer for the BBC’s red button interactive menu, Mr Mayne’s main role at Orange Bus is to bring more expertise to the development of user interaction, an area in which founder Julian Leighton is passionate about.

Mr Leighton said: “We were very keen to bring Kyle in to Orange Bus with his background in user experience design as it is an area that we specialise in.

“We use this with many of our bigger brand clients and the demand is growing from the smaller companies as they can see the benefits for their business by really understanding how their customers interact with their website, and the journey they follow around the site.”

Mr Mayne is working with national and regional clients including the NHS, software giant Sage, baby brand Tippitoes and gaming company Eutechnyx.