A NORTH-EAST entrepreneur is behind the development of the latest “must-have” hair styling product, which is predicted to take the international beauty world by storm.

Hairdresser and salon owner Paula Todd has led a year-long project into the development of the TheO heated rollers, which are about to be launched across the UK after winning praise from across the sector.

Ms Todd will be the first to introduce the product into the North-East at her salon, Green- Ginger Hairdressing, in Newcastle, and is predicting the TheO rollers will revolutionise the industry.

They will not be on general sale initially, but salons across the UK are already clamouring to secure them.

The company which makes the rollers, Cloud 9 – founded by hairdressing icon Robert Powls, one of the founders of GHD, and which headhunted Ms Todd to be involved – has already said it believes the stylers will see women abandoning traditional heated hair products in favour of TheO rollers, which activate heat once in the hair, use no pins and work faster.

Her involvement in TheO marks the second time Ms Todd has helped develop a hair product, after being selected ahead of international competition to write the step-by-step guides for the Cloud 9 styling irons, launched last year.

Ms Todd, whose salon is celebrating its 20th year in business, said she is excited about the prospects for the product.

“It’s been very exciting working on the development of TheO and keeping it all top secret. At the minute, the rollers are only available to salons rather than the public. It’s the most exciting development in professional hair products for decades, and we’re delighted to have played a part in it,” she said.

“It’s exciting to have been chosen for the second time by an industry leader, to help develop yet another great new product for salons and individuals.”

Ms Todd said of the product: “Heated rollers have been around since 1966, but have never really taken off like straighteners did.

The old rollers took ages to heat up, and then were too hot to handle and, because they were so heavy, they needed pinning.

“The new breed of rollers heats up using induction technology, so they are hot in the hair, not in your hand, and they are made of a lightweight, soft-grip material similar to Velcro, so there’s no need for pins.

“You choose from five different roller sizes, pop one in the pod, wait four seconds for it to heat up then wind it in to your hair. By the time you’ve done that the next one is heated up and ready.”

Ms Todd hails from a hairdressing family, and her father was a barber who helped several other Italian barbers settle in the North-East in the Sixties. Her father- in-law was also a barber.

“It’s a bit of a family joke that Todd is not exactly the best name for someone who works with hair, but I can’t say I’ve noticed anyone looking nervous,” she said.

“Many of our clients have been with us since I set up the business, which is a good measure of whether we are getting it right.

We’re very proud of spending the last 20 years making people feel good about themselves, and we’re looking forward to being at the forefront in the next 20 years too.”