A WOMAN who has launched a global make-up business after building up popularity on social networking sites has now launched a computer game.

Lauren Luke, from South Shields, South Tyneside, became an internet sensation through making home make-up tutorial videos and putting them on YouTube.

Her videos received more than 57 million hits from people around the world, and she has also amassed a fanbase of millions on Facebook.

Miss Luke, who left school at 15 after becoming pregnant, has gone on to launch her own make-up range, By Lauren Look, and has signed a book deal. She has now agreed to launch her video game for Nintendo DS called Supermodel Makeover.

The interactive fashion and make-up game challenges players to become the ultimate fashionista, mastering the three key elements of fashion – clothing, accessories and make-up – through attending the Academy of Beauty.

Miss Luke, 28, who describes her staple style as using mad colours, said: “To have this success doing something I love, and really making something of myself, is brilliant.

“I can’t believe how things have taken off. It feels like a dream.”