A LAWYER has become the first in the region to be awarded a fellowship of the Agricultural Law Association (ALA).

Helen Dexter, partner with TBI Solicitors, is now qualified to offer specialist legal advice for a range of agricultural matters, including the letting or sale of a farm, succession planning, landlord and tenant disputes or rent reviews.

The ALA is the UK’s leading independent organisation that deals with all matters relating to rural business.

Ms Dexter joined TBI in 1996, becoming a partner in 2001. She works with a team in TBI’s Barnard Castle office, and also specialises in probate and administration of estates.

“The fellowship of the ALA complements my probate work, as many of the people I advise are involved with the rural economy,” she said.

“With issues specific to farming, such as ensuring rights over a neighbour’s land, or enabling smooth succession of a family business, it is essential that the farming community has access to legal advisors with the relevant specialised knowledge.”