A TEENAGE entrepreneur has turned his hobby into an online gaming business which has attracted players from all over the world.

Jordan McGreevy, 16, set up futuristic internet game Future RP in March last year, and already has more than 7,000 registered players from destinations across the world.

Now the college student, from Newcastle, is working with Business Link North-East (BLNE) to draw up business and financial plans to ensure his new venture becomes an established entreprise.

He has recently secured a deal with a banner advertising company, and is upgrading Future RP to try and increase its user base further. Jordan said: "I was always interested in online games and having acquired some experience in programming, I thought I would try making my own.

"I created the game myself, which has taken a long time, but all the hard work is definitely worth it in the end.

"I love being my own boss, but the only downside of running my own business is that I rarely sleep - the user base is scattered across time zones, so as some players go to bed, others are waking up to play."

Chris Pay, of BLNE, said: "Age shouldn't be a barrier to starting a business. I knew with the right contacts and a bit of mentoring Jordan would be able to develop his passion into a profitable business."