A PHOTGRAPH that captures the spirit of North-East manufacturing is being exhibited in the House of Commons.

North-East photographer Steve Sharp was shortlisted in the professional category of the EEF/Lombard ‘Make it Britain’ competition for his image of an original Pickerings electric lift manufactured in 1888 by the Stockton-based firm.

The image will go on display at an awards ceremony in the House of Commons on Thursday December 11 where the winning photographer will be announced.

The competition aims to raise the profile of British manufacturing by showcasing the industry’s creativity, diversity and heritage through inspiring photography.

It is part of EEF’s ongoing ‘Make it Britain’ campaign, which champions the vitality and vibrancy of the UK’s manufacturing and industrial base.

Mr Sharp, from Stockton, said: “Manufacturing offers endless opportunities for creative, dramatic and eye-catching images, but the tricky part is really capturing its essence and therefore the imagination of the judges.”

Barrie Street, Customer Marketing Manager at Canon UK, said the image "successfully captures the rich innovation and importance of industry in Britain."

Pickerings Lifts, which this year marks its 160th anniversary, continues to be a leader in its field, employing more than 300 people nationally and 110 from its Teesside headquarters.