A DAIRY farm hit by the low price of milk hopes to secure its future by expanding its award-winning ice cream business.

Sue and John Archer set up their ice cream parlour at New Moor Farm, Walworth Gate, near Darlington, more than two years ago, to earn extra income from their Jersey herd's high quality milk.

This year's long hot summer saw them sell more than 8,000 litres of ice cream - double last year's total - but they, like other dairy farmers, are suffering because of low milk prices.

Now the couple are calling on customers to give their thoughts on what products the business should develop to expand their range and draw in extra income.

They are holding a food and craft fair at the farm this weekend, and hope visitors will tell them whether to introduce Jersey cream, yoghurt, fromage frais or semi-skimmed milk.

The couple had to start the business from scratch in 2002 after losing their Holstein Friesian herd in the foot-and-mouth crisis.

Today, they have 330 Jersey cows, averaging 4,500 litres per cow. Half of the milk is processed by Gordon Tweddle's nearby Acorn Dairy, which delivers it to doorsteps alongside his own organic milk.

The Morrisons chain of supermarkets also sells it as its own-brand Jersey milk.

But rising costs and the low price the rest of their milk receives is hitting the Archers' business.

Nationally, 100 dairy farmers a month are quitting because of the 4p a litre difference between the price they get and the cost of production.

The Archers have won awards for their milk and ice cream. The Christmas pudding flavour won gold in the Guild of Fine Foods Award.

But if their children - daughter Jess, 17, and sons Tim, 15, and Charlie, 11 - are to join the business, the family needs to boost local milk sales and introduce new products.

The food and craft fair features products from local Northumbria Larder producers, work from artist Eiann Cosgrove, who has a studio at the farm, and a Kenyan craftsman. It runs between 10am and 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Ideas can also be sent to www.archersjerseyicecream. com