
  • Real winners when it comes to courage

    TWO North-East heart transplant patients have shared their inspirational stories to encourage people to join the organ donor register. David Donkin of Craghead, Stanley, County Durham, and Joan Whitney, of Guisborough, east Cleveland, have had heart transplants

  • Breaking the code for charity cash

    MILITARY enthusiasts with a mission to save lives came to the region yesterday. Second World War Allied leader Field Marshall Montgomery's double attended a fundraising event in full uniform to boost the coffers of Stockton's Butterwick Children's Hospice

  • Mini-Princess casts off for maiden voyage

    A MINI-launching ceremony was conducted to mark the addition of the latest attraction to the scale model layout of the River Tees. Ex-carpenter John Quick was joined by Stewart Goldie and BBC Radio Cleveland presenter Stewart McFarlane as they launched