Police have shared the shocking footage of the moment a sexual predator was arrested and tasered in Darlington.

In the footage, officers from the town could be seen locating Michael Gallagher along a street. 

When he refuses to cooperate with officers, the footage cuts to police asking him to put his hands behind his back. 

The Northern Echo: Michael GallagherMichael Gallagher (Image: DURHAM POLICE)

After not following what the police are saying, Gallagher is tasered by one of the officers, with the audio of the video sharing the sound of the taser and Gallagher's pained screams as he's bundled to the floor and into a police van. 

The arrest was in connection to a sexual assault case in Darlington, which caught Gallagher on CCTV following the woman as she walked home through Darlington town centre.

After following her down several streets, the 33-year-old dragged the woman behind a wall and sexually assaulted her.

The brave woman managed to scream, causing the man to flee the scene, and call the police.

After arresting and tasering him, Gallagher was interviewed by officers, during which he gave no comment answers, and was charged with sexual assault.

The Northern Echo: CCTV of the moment Michael Gallagher was arrestedCCTV of the moment Michael Gallagher was arrested (Image: DURHAM POLICE)

Detectives also charged him with trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence following an incident which occurred just an hour earlier in which he broke into a woman’s bedroom and attempted to assault her.

The courageous woman managed to fight him off before locking herself in a bathroom and calling the police.

Gallagher, of Westmoreland Street, in Darlington, pleaded guilty to both offences and appeared at Teesside Crown Court on September 22 last year where he was jailed for 14 years, plus an additional two years on extended licence.

During the hearing, one of the women bravely told the court how her life had changed since the incident.

“This incident has had a huge effect on me and my family in the short time since it happened,” she said.

“Simple things like walking down the street have become tough for me, I find myself crossing the road when people come towards me or are walking on the same side of the road.

“I have had trouble sleeping and I think about what has happened all the time; every time I close my eyes, I just see the man’s eyes staring back at me. I have had to seek comfort by sleeping in the same bed as my mum, it was the only way I could feel safe.

“This has also been extremely hard on my parents. However, despite all this and how horrible the incident was, our family has come out of it stronger than ever.

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“After I told my parents about what happened they did everything they possibly could to support me. They are honestly the best parents I could ever have wished for, and I couldn’t have got this far without them.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the police officers and detectives who have been involved in my case. I have felt supported throughout and they have kept me informed which has made this whole process easier.

“I never want anyone to go through what I went through that morning and I hope that the man who did this to me never gets to hurt anyone else in that way again.”