Police have launched an investigation after a break-in at a shop in Darlington town centre. 

Angels Cut Bar & Shop on Duke Street had their front window smashed and bottles stolen from their window display yesterday (May 13).

The Northern Echo: Angels Cut Bar & Bottle Shop

The owner of the shop, Kendra Fry, said that she was "absolutely gutted" that someone had done it.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident.

A Durham Police spokesperson said: "We have received a report of a suspected criminal damage to Angels Cut Bar and Bottle Shop, on Duke Street, in Darlington, on Monday, May 13.

"Enquiries are ongoing."

The Northern Echo: Angels Cut Bar & Bottle Shop

Kendra previously said: "Running a business is very hard, it’s made even harder when your shop window is smashed on purpose and items stolen.

"It’s the first time in five years this has happened. We also had bottles taken from the cabinets on display but it could have been massively worse.

"A day spent so far sorting things out and waiting for a window company to come out and make this good and safe but it’s not a quick fix.

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"We are going to open as normal Tuesday to Thursday from 5pm, Friday from 3pm and Saturday from 12pm (plus Sunday) and we are very much looking forward to the planned music weekend.

"We are absolutely gutted. We need a bespoke glass size so it will probably be a week or so before it is replaced.

"Please support our small business as we aren’t closed even though our window will be boarded up until be get it re-glazed."