PETER MULLEN (Echo, March 29) is right to say “taxation is statelicensed theft and can be excused only to fund the defence of the realm”.

Expenditure on education and health should be stopped immediately and left to individual choice.

Of course, most kids would not go to school and many would die of easily preventable diseases.

Illiteracy would be the norm.

Internal security – policing – would be back in private hands where it belongs, with only the wealthy able to protect their property – poor people don’t have much anyway.

It’s goodbye to street lighting, refuse collection and running water (rates are a tax remember).

Roads will fall into disrepair, apart from a few profitable toll routes.

Mr Mullen will walk down ratinfested streets, swimming in sewage while illiterate ricket-riven infants play out their short lives.

Why not go the whole hog and scrap taxes for defence?

After all, there will not be much of a realm to defend.

No self respecting conqueror would set foot in such an ungreen and unpleasant land.

But no taxes.

Rob Meggs, Hartlepool.