READING I Dunn's letter (HAS, Feb 6) about how to stick an envelope down without licking it brought a smile to my face, although what I am about to relate might make me look a little silly.

Between 1970 and 1977, my work with British Rail in the Stooperdale offices, Darlington, saw me working on resignations and dismissals of members of the BR (Wages Grades) Pension Fund.

In those days, leavers received a refund of contributions, less deductions, in the form of a cheque.

Every Thursday was 'main run' day when I received the output of my efforts.

This meant dealing weekly with over 300 cases as leaving due to resignation featured prominently, but in some weeks it was over 700 cases.

Much, I'm sure to the amusement of my great work colleagues, I placed statement and cheques into envelopes and, liking to add the personal touch, I sealed every one of them by licking the envelope.

Your correspondent was quite right in the final sentence of their letter, suggesting the use of water and a sponge to seal the letter, but I don't think it did me any harm and 44 years later I am still residing on the planet.

I find I do tend to drink a lot however, but not a lot of alcohol. Do readers think that might be connected?

Mike Taylor, Darlington.