JOHN GILMORE’S letter headlined “Trumps goons” (HAS, Jan 9) contained embarrassing comments about Trump protesters who forced their way into Capitol Hill. One of Mr Gilmore’s sources was Russian Government-backed television RT News.

What happened with the apparent support of Trump cannot be condoned.

An expert in crowd control, the mob, Mr Gilmore says could easily have been controlled by no more than a 100 lightly equipped police officers. However, the police allowed these “goons” into Capitol Hill, Mr Gilmore tells us. On American news channels, I saw riot police and ill-equipped officers fighting to prevent the mob’s entry. No matter, Mr Gilmore knows different (RT News may have told him).

Five people died. A woman forcing entry was shot by police and a police officer died protecting democracy. Several other officers were injured protecting Capitol Hill. Facts ignored by Mr Gilmore.

Most white police officers are probably fascist, racist, white supremacists and Trump supporters, Mr Gilmore states. His final embarrassment: police colluded in this attempted Mussolini/Hitler style putsch. Really? Hitler? No evidence, but he is an expert in these matters.

Mr Gilmore may either be a fantasist or a hard left Socialist who manufactures “fake news”?

John Walker, Newton Aycliffe.