WHEN out on a walk this past Sunday around the Tees Loop to Broken Scar, near Darlington, there were lots of dog owners and their pets enjoying the good weather.

In an adjoining field there were a flock of sheep. As I came closer to the dam there I saw, a friend also witnessed, a dog in the field chasing the sheep.

The owner was frantically shouting at her dog which of course took no notice as it was enjoying the chase.

How irresponsible can some owners be by not keeping their animal on a lead to prevent this happening? Don’t owners know, well don’t seem to want to know, that most dogs will chase sheep and for allowing their animal to do so there are severe penalties?

Sheep at this time of the year can be pregnant with new lambs and by being harassed and chased can lead to lambs being aborted.

Luckily for this lady the farmer, his farm just a field away was not around but I wished he had seen this incident.

Dog owners always will say that my dog will not do such a thing but it’s the dogs instinct to chase and will do so.

So the message is clear and simple enough – keep your dog on a lead and be responsible for your pet.

D. Reed, Darlington.