CHIEF Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has been criticising the Labour Party for what he says has been its lack of action over anti-Semitism (Echo, Nov 26).

He is obviously a Tory and we know full well there are no depths to which they won’t sink to win the election.

A young Jewish lady on TV recently said her family have no fears about Labour members, it’s the far-right that she fears and as they mostly belong to other parties.

On Friday’s BBC programme, Jeremy Corbyn was confronted by the first two Tory plants in the audience which I thought he handled pretty well.

Then we had BoJo without this Prime Minister's Questions scriptwriters, and he was way out of his depth answering questions put by the young electorate.

A lot of people I know are Labour voters and I have never heard one anti-Semitic remark. I would say that 85 per cent of the Brexit vote was on immigration so let’s put things into perspective.

Terry Tucker, St Helen Auckland