IN the On This Day column (Echo, Jul 5) it said in 1948 the Labour government introduced the NHS.

Elsewhere in the paper that day was an article about what might happen if we leave the EU without a deal.

Apparently private healthcare companies cannot wait to expand their involvement in the NHS.

In a debate in the House of Lords, Labour peer Lord Brooke has called for the NHS to be protected from "creeping privatisations" and for the NHS to be excluded from further trade deals.

Even though he backtracked later, we know that President Trump would love for our NHS to be "on the table" in any trade deals.

The US is a country (the richest in the world) which cannot even look after its own. If you are unable to afford the insurance, that’s it, you just have to struggle on best you can and trust in God and good neighbours.

The NHS is our greatest treasure and the envy of all the world, and we cannot let it be gradually chipped away.

A wealthy few may choose private healthcare, but for most it is not an option.

A country’s truth worth can always be measured by the way they care for their sick and old and vulnerable and this is something we do well, always remember.

Lorraine Herron, Durham City