WILL Donald Trump lose much sleep over Jeremy Corbyn’s refusal to attend a state dinner with him? Will Mr Trump suddenly realise the error of all of his ways because Speaker John Bercow and LibDem leader Sir Vince Cable are refusing to turn up as well?

It is very unlikely. In fact, Mr Trump would probably be much more upset if people were not boycotting him. If no one was being rude about him, it would mean he was losing his boorish touch and was becoming boringly mainstream. That really would make him buck up and change course.

So what are they trying to achieve by turning down a free feed?

Mr Trump is a threat to the planet, from his bellicose trade policy to his ridiculous denial of climate change. But he is the elected head of the United States, and tearing up a dinner invitation will not alter that.

And it is as the leader of the US that Mr Trump has been invited to commemorate a crucial anniversary in the history of the world: the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings which liberated a continent, turned back the march of fascism and once again enabled nations to live freely and peacefully.

There is so much for Mr Trump to learn here, about the narrow-minded stupidity of his “America first” policy, about the importance of countries working together, and about the bravery and sacrifice of thousands of his own countrymen without whom D-Day would not have been a success.

Of men like Dickie Atkinson, the last surviving Durham to have taken part on D-Day, who died this week.